Arnold Law Firm Blog

Halloween Haunt 2012

A GREAT time was had by all! The kids were dressed from pixies and fairies to goblins and ghouls! Since the first Halloween Haunt in 1991, this safe alternative to trick-or-treating has just grown in size and fun! Mark your calendars for next year to get in some trick-or-treating while at the same time benefiting […]

Safetyville USA’s Annual Firefighter Chili Cook Off

Arnold Law Firm participated in the Annual Firefight Chili Cook Off on October 6, 2012 to support the local firefighters in the Sacramento area. As a Safetyville USA sponsor, the firm was able to give back to the Fire Department for all that they do for the community. The day was filled with food, fun, […]

Project Endeavor

Project EndeavorThe Arnold Law Firm is proud to support Project Endeavor, a private effort to advance the future of aviation through recruitment, education and new technology applications. Check out Clay Arnold’s plane in the background!

Race for the cure 2011

Date: May 07, 2011 The Race for the Cure was a huge success!   We had  a great time and cannot wait forn next year. “The Komen Race for the Cure is a unique event, designed and implemented to promote positive awareness, education and early detection of breast cancer.  It has proved to be an enormously […]

Walk for thought 2010

Date: March 20, 2010 For those of you who went to the walk I am sure you will agree that it was a huge success. All of the hard work of everyone really paid off. Our back packs were all over the place and so were our hats and cups. I know there are some great pictures floating […]