Do Dirty Windshields Increase the Risk of a California Car Crash?

image of a car windshield covered in bird droppingsDirty windshields and windows do more than make your vehicle look ugly. They block your visibility in many ways, increasing your risk of a Sacramento car crash.

Below, Arnold Law Firm discusses how grime and dirt buildup on your vehicle is dangerous. We also talk about liability if driving with a dirty windshield leads to a crash.

Need legal help because of another driver’s negligence? Call Arnold Law Firm to discuss your situation with one of our knowledgeable car crash lawyers in Sacramento. We have been helping injured clients for decades get favorable outcomes. Our legal team has extensive experience and is ready to fight to get the full and fair compensation you need.

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5 Ways Driving With Dirty Windows Is a Car Crash Risk

Anything that makes it difficult for you to see the road and surrounding areas clearly is a car crash risk. When you are behind the wheel, there are several ways this could happen. Here are five:

  • Delays your reaction time: Seconds make a difference in whether you can avoid a crash.
  • Increases the glare from sunlight, snow reflections or oncoming headlights
  • Worsens already reduced visibility in low light and bad weather situations
  • Obscures your ability to see in your blind spots, causing you to collide with another vehicle
  • Could cause you to miss or misread road signs, traffic signals and detour or work zone signs

How Do Windshields and Windows Get So Dirty?

There are so many environmental elements that cause our vehicles and windows to get dirty. Even a day’s worth of dust can create enough of a haze to cause severe sun glare.

The biggest culprits you have to thank for dirty windshields include:

Bird Droppings and Bugs

Ever get your car washed only to have it dive-bombed with bird droppings the next day? Smashed-on bugs are also a big problem, and window washer fluid is enough to clear these messes away without scrubbing.

Airborne Particles

Bird droppings and elements are not the only environmental factors that dirty up your car windows. Pollen, road grime, mud, pollen and other elements can create a haze of dirt on your car that greatly decreases your visibility, especially during bright sunlight, bad weather and low light.

Bad Weather

Snowfall does not happen often in Sacramento, but it is not completely impossible. Any type of bad weather on top of an already dirty window can make it harder to see the road.

Understanding Your Duty of Care to Maintain Clean Windows

Drivers in California have a responsibility to take reasonable steps to prevent causing harm to others. This legal duty applies to vehicle maintenance. Since a dirty windshield or windows can increase your risk of a crash, your legal duty extends to ensuring you have optimum visibility behind the wheel.

This means drivers should regularly:

  • Clean dirt, grime, bugs and other elements from their windshields
  • Ensure all windows are regularly cleaned, inside and out – a dirty rear window can also create a crash risk
  • Make sure side windows, rearview mirrors, headlights and taillights are also cleaned regularly.
  • Check windshield washer fluid periodically to make sure it stays full
  • Clean their windshield or windows before setting off if they are excessively dirty
  • Replace worn wiper blades as needed
  • Park your vehicle away from trees, such as in a garage or carport

Is It Illegal To Drive With Dirty Windshields in California?

While there is no specific law against driving with dirty windows or windshields in California, it is a crash risk. Additionally, the California driver’s ed handbook cautions drivers about the reasons for keeping windows, windshields and side mirrors clean.

If there is enough dirt or grime built up on your windows or windshields, you could get pulled over. If your vehicle’s dirty windows impede your vision enough to cause a crash, you could be held at least partially liable for any resulting damages.

Need Legal Help After a Sacramento Car Crash? Call Arnold Law Firm Today

If you or a loved one were injured in a crash due to reduced visibility, you may be eligible to recover compensation for your medical costs and other losses.

At Arnold Law Firm, you can find out if you may have legal options at no cost or risk to you. If you have a case and choose our firm to represent you, there are no upfront costs or fees to pay.

Our law firm has been helping those injured by negligent Sacramento drivers for decades. We have the staff and resources to build a solid case on your behalf. Deadlines apply, so if you were injured in a crash, we strongly recommend seeking legal help sooner rather than later.

We fight for justice for you in Sacramento. Call: (916) 777-7777 today.