USA Waste-Management Resources, LLC Data Breach

NOTICE: If you received a NOTICE OF DATA BREACH from USA Waste-Management Resources, LLC or one of its affiliates and you reside in the United States, contact the Arnold Law Firm at (916) 777-7777 to discuss your legal options.

breached digital lockOn May 28, 2021, USA Waste-Management Resources, LLC (“WM”) reported to the California Attorney General’s office that an unauthorized party accessed personal information stored on WM’s network.

According to the data breach notification, on January 21, 2021, WM discovered suspicious activity on its network and began to investigate the incident. The investigation concluded that an unauthorized party accessed WM’s network between January 21, 2021 and January 23, 2021, accessed certain files, and took files containing personal information.

On May 4, 2021, WM began to identify individuals whose personal information was actually taken by the unauthorized party. WM has reported to several state Attorneys General that at least 268,510 individuals were identified as having their personal information accessed as a result of this data breach.


USA Waste-Management Resources, LLC or one of its affiliates:

  • Current employees and their dependents
  • Former employees and their dependents

At this time, WM has not identified which of its affiliate companies have been involved in this data breach.



  • First and Last names
  • Social Security numbers
  • National IDs
  • Dates of Birth
  • Driver’s License Numbers
  • Identification Card Numbers

Headquartered in Houston, Texas, WM is an American waste management company offering a wide range of services including solid waste and recyclable materials collection services for residential, industrial, municipal and commercial customers in 48 states. WM and its 45,000 employees serve over 20 million residential customers and over 2 million commercial customers.

NOTICE: If you received a NOTICE OF DATA BREACH from USA Waste-Management Resources, LLC or one of its affiliates and you reside in the United States, contact the Arnold Law Firm at (916) 777-7777 to discuss your legal options.