
The Future of Wearable Technology in the Courtrooms

New technologies always require different sectors of society to evolve in new ways. This is particularly true in the legal field where new technologies such as smartwatches and Fitbit bands may be at the center of criminal and civil litigation in the near future. In what is surely the first lawsuit of its kind, an […]

New Drug May Help Victims Of Traumatic Brain Injuries

The University of Cincinnati is spearheading a national clinical trial to identify whether a medicine called Tranexamic Acid (TXA) can improve the conditions of individuals with severe and life-threatening Traumatic Brain Injuries (TB). Researchers are hopeful that the new drug, which is currently used to stabilize bleeding in victims with conditions ranging from aneurysms and […]

Sacramento Sports Injury Attorney

Organized sports are one of the most popular national pastimes for children and adolescents, with about 30 million participating annually. Some sports are more dangerous than others, of course, with contact sports topping the list of those with the highest risk for injury. Sports injuries can range from minor to severe or deadly and almost […]