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836 Results found.

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month

Driver distraction is a dangerous problem. Because of this, traffic safety organizations and law enforcement agencies throughout the U.S. have set aside April as Distracted Driving Awareness Month to educate the public about distracted driving in the hopes of preventing further crashes. With U.S. traffic fatalities surpassing 40,000 deaths in 2016, safety advocates are encouraging […]

Safetyville USA Teen Driving Safety Day

On April 8, Safetyville USA will host its Teen Safe Driving Day, a free event for teens who are currently driving or looking to get their license in the near future. The event was planned by the organization’s Youth Advisory Council, which is made up of high school students throughout California. It will feature a […]

Increase in U.S. Pedestrian Deaths Projected for 2016

The number of pedestrians killed on U.S. roadways is projected to have risen by 11 percent in 2016, compared to 2015. By utilizing preliminary data for the first half of 2016 and considering past trends, the Governors Highway Safety Administration (GHSA) estimates that 5,997 pedestrians were killed last year, compared to 5,376 in 2015 and […]

Wrong-Way Crash Results in Two Deaths

Two people were killed in a head-on collision on Monday involving a wrong-way driver. The three-vehicle collision occurred on White Rock Road near Prairie City Road south of Highway 50 around 8:20 a.m., according to the California Highway Patrol (CHP). CHP officials reported the wrong-way vehicle was driven by a 41-year-old man traveling west on […]

AAA Study Reveals Young Millennials as the Worst Drivers in the U.S.

A recent study conducted by the American Automobile Association (AAA) Foundation for Traffic Safety shows that young millennials between the ages of 19 and 24 years old are the most likely to engage in high-risk behavior while driving. The study used speeding, texting while driving, and red-light running to measure 2,511 drivers, 16 years or […]

Complacency, Poor Driving Habits Contribute to Fatality Increase

According to the National Safety Council (NSC), 2016 was the deadliest year for U.S. roads since 2007. A complacent belief that car accidents are inevitable, combined with lax attitudes toward high-risk dangerous driving behaviors, significantly contributed to the rising U.S. traffic fatality rate, according to NSC officials. Approximately 40,000 people were killed in deadly auto […]

Combating Wrong-Way Drivers

Wrong-way driving accidents account for only one percent of traffic collisions in the U.S., but they are extremely dangerous and often fatal. Five wrong-way crashes occurred in the greater Sacramento area from January to May 2015, resulting in the deaths of 16 people, according to the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). In response to the […]

NHTSA Warns Against Drinking and Driving on Super Bowl Sunday

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is raising awareness about increased drunk driving associated with Super Bowl Sunday. The federal agency launched its annual “Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk” campaign to remind drivers about the dangers of drunk driving, highlighting the fact that Super Bowl Sunday is no exception for this behavior. Drunk […]

NHTSA Shows Increase in Traffic Deaths During 2016

Traffic fatalities increased by nearly eight percent during the first nine months of 2016, compared to the same period during the previous year, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The NHTSA report estimates there were 27,875 deaths within the first nine months of 2016, compared to 25,808 fatalities reported during the first […]

John Stralen Becomes Member of American Board of Trial Advocates

The Arnold Law Firm is proud to announce the membership approval of personal injury attorney John Stralen to the American Board of Trial Advocates (ABOTA), Sacramento Valley Chapter! Nominated ABOTA candidates must receive at least a 75 percent vote of members in attendance in order to be approved. Potential qualified members must be invited to […]