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836 Results found.

California Launches Effort to Fix Dangerous Highway 193

Rural, winding California highways can be beautiful and scenic. Yet, many of these same roads present dangerous conditions for motorists, including Highway 193 in the Newcastle area. Over a four year span, there were 34 collisions, including three fatalities, along a particularly curvy 1.1-mile segment of Highway 193. All but one of the collisions were […]

Most Americans Not Ready for Self-Driving Vehicles

A new survey conducted by the American Automobile Association (AAA) suggests that most Americans do not trust self-driving vehicles. The results of the survey are surprising to automakers and technology companies that are developing self-driving (autonomous) vehicles. Many businesses promote the introduction of autonomous cars as a way to increase roadway safety. Yet, according to […]

Pothole Damage Costs Americans $3 Billion Annually

Recent heavy storms in Sacramento have caused dangerous asphalt pavement failures in the region. Potholes result when water gets under the pavement, disrupting the supporting soil, and vehicle traffic then breaks the weakened asphalt surface. Drivers usually go out of their way to avoid potholes, and — according to a new study — they may […]

Detailed Employment Law Questionnaire Free Case Evaluation

Fill out our detailed questionnaire with more information about your potential Employment Law case. You will be contacted by our intake staff to discuss your claim shortly. Contact/Basic Information “/> How Would You Like To Be Contacted?PhoneEmailText Details Approximate date of employment incident: Employer name and type of business: What was your position? Approximately how […]

Detailed Auto Accidents Questionnaire

Fill out our detailed questionnaire with more information about your potential Auto Accidents case. You will be contacted by our intake staff to discuss your claim shortly. Contact/Basic Information How Would You Like To Be Contacted?PhoneEmailText Details Date of car accident: Were the police called?  Yes  No Not Sure Did they complete a report at the […]

California Sees Rise in Fatal Motorcycle Crashes: “Lane Splitting” May Be to Blame

A recent report provided by California’s Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System revealed that motorcycle accidents and related fatalities are once again on the rise. An analysis of statewide crash data found that fatal motorcycle collisions have increased 23 percent since 2010. The recent data shows a reverse of an earlier trend, wherein fatal motorcycle crashes were in […]

NHTSA Sees Spike in Traffic Fatalities

In 2006, the entire state of California experienced a notable drop in fatal traffic accidents. Four years later, 2,739 road were deaths reported, 36 percent lower than 2006. Unfortunately, this promising trend has reversed in recent years. Between 2010 and 2013, the number of traffic-related deaths rose by 13 percent and continues to climb annually. According to […]

Sacramento Has Fatal Traffic Accident Hotspots Despite Overall Accident Decline

Sacramento has seen a decline in fatal traffic accidents in recent years. However, areas throughout the city are known as fatal accident hotspots, because residents are more likely to perish from drunk driving, speeding, or car-and-pedestrian accidents in these locations. Over the past twenty years, Sacramento’s population has grown by over one-hundred thousand residents, yet […]

Victims Family Says Deadly Pedestrian Accident Could Have Been Prevented

A 74-year-old woman died from injuries sustained in a pedestrian accident after she was struck by a car at the intersection of Fruitridge Road and Lawrence Drive in Sacramento in December of last year. The woman, a beloved grandmother and great-grandmother, had the right-of-way and proper signal to walk when she began crossing the street. […]

New Year Brings New Laws for California Motorists

In an effort to ring in the safest New Year possible, legislators have announced several traffic laws that go into effect in California, beginning Jan. 1, 2016. The new laws, which were signed by Governor Jerry Brown during the 2015 legislative session, are designed to address numerous concerns regarding hit-and-run fatalities,  drunk driving accidents, and […]