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Drowsy Driving Prevention Week Aims to Reduce Fatigued Driver Car Accidents

According to a recent survey conducted by the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), over 168 million Americans admitted to driving a vehicle while drowsy. The survey also revealed that over 103 million people have fallen asleep at some point while driving. If those statistics aren’t startling enough, approximately 11 million people reported being involved in a […]

California Semi-Trailer Truck Accidents Have Become a Big Concern

On any given day, there are over two million semi-trailer trucks travelling on U.S. roads and highways. Semi-trucks play an integral role in local, national, and international commerce. As the economy continues to improve, freight traffic increases, causing the potential for more semi-truck accidents. California’s Interstate 80 has had numerous big rig accidents over the […]

Preparing For a Deposition

Thorough preparation is essential for delivering a good deposition. Opposing counsel may try to provoke you, but it is important that you remain cool, calm and collected. Deposition preparation will help you maintain your composure and deliver proper testimony despite the pressure you may be feeling. Before your deposition: Try to get quality sleep the […]

Bicycle Accident Injuries and Deaths Increasing

Bicycle accident injuries are steadily increasing across the nation. Often, negligent drivers and poor road design contribute to injuries and even death. The Numbers in California are GrimAccording to a report issued by the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), the number of bicyclists deaths in the U.S. rose by 16 percent between 2010 and 2012. […]

Older Vehicles Present Safety Concerns for Teens

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) reports that older cars are the worst cars for teens. Teenage drivers are at a higher risk for auto accident fatalities. To reduce this risk, it is imperative that the vehicles they drive offer adequate updated safety equipment and collision protection. Older cars lack the crash protection and […]

Can Traumatic Brain Injury Lead to Aggressive Driving?

A recent study revealed that those who have experienced a traumatic brain injury (TBI) have a greater likelihood of engaging in high levels of aggressive driving behaviors, such as yelling and making threats to other drivers. Previous studies have identified a link between mental illness or substance abuse and the likelihood of aggressive driving. This […]

Tailgating is a Top Cause of Auto Accidents

A transportation study conducted in 2014 shows that one third of all automobile accidents are due to tailgating, a typically purposeful act intended to make the driver in front speed up. Tailgating occurs when a driver follows another automobile too closely, not leaving enough room to make a sudden stop if necessary. The uncomfortable and […]

Failure-to-Yield Auto Accident Lawsuits

If you have been injured by a negligent driver who failed to yield, speak to an attorney. You may be entitled to compensation. When a driver acts recklessly and fails to yield, he or she endangers other people and may cause them harm. Failure-to-Yield Car Accident Tips When a failure-to-yield accident happens, it can be […]

CDC Study Shows Millions Admit to Drinking and Driving

When it comes to the act of drinking and driving, most Americans acknowledge that it is dangerous and should be avoided. However, a new study released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reveals that about 4.2 million people admitted to driving while intoxicated at least once in the 30 days prior to taking […]

Sacramento School Bus Accident Lawyers

The first day of school is an exciting time – from photo opportunities to new backpacks and school supplies. For some students, it even means riding the bus to school. If your child will be riding the school bus this year, include these safety precautions from our Sacramento auto accident attorneys as part of preparing for […]