Sacramento Dog Bite Lawyer

Sacramento Dog Bite Attorneys Watching your loved one mauled by a dog is horrifying. Dealing with the medical and legal consequences of such an injury even worse. Our experienced Sacramento dog bite lawyers at Arnold Law Firm are ready to assist you.

In California a dog owner is held responsible if their dog bites anyone, no matter if the dog has a history of biting or not. Whenever a dog has bitten a human on more than one occasion the city or district attorney has the ability to bring an action against the dog owner and call for further preventive actions such as removal of the dog from the area.

If you or a loved one has been hurt due to a dog attack, we can help. Our lawyers offer free case reviews and only get paid if you receive compensation.

Types of Dog Bite Injuries

Dog Bite Lawyer in SacramentoApproximately 800,000 persons each year actually seek medical attention for a serious dog bite wound the majority of who are children and the elderly. Additionally, each year about 16 of all dog bite victims die from their injuries.

Children and the elderly are much more susceptible to serious injuries if attacked by a dog due to their brittle bones and fragile skin.

However, most anyone bitten by a dog will suffer some type of injury which can be minor to very serious.

Some common types of dog bite injuries include:

  • Skin Tears/Lacerations
  • Broken Bones
  • Puncture Wounds
  • Facial Injuries
  • Bruising
  • Dislocations
  • Scratches
  • Infection
  • Psychological Damage

The severity of the injury could depend on the type of attack and victim. Certain breeds, particularly those protective of owners, are more likely to be vicious in their attack. In serious dog bite cases the victim may need multiple surgeries if they have suffered serious facial injuries. A team of experienced Sacramento dog bite attorneys can make a world of difference.

Dangerous Dog Breeds

Sacramento Dog Attack AttorneyThe causes of a dog bite can be attributed to many reasons including a dangerous breeds nature, playing rough with an animal, and even due to an owner teaching the dog to be aggressive.

In fact, many insurance companies offer homeowners insurance to cover potential dog bites that could occur on their premises.

However, there are some insurance companies that either do not cover particular breeds or where the insurance premiums may be higher due to the breed.

The following is a list of some of the more dangerous dog breeds.

Pitbulls Considered the most dangerous breed due to the number of fatal dog bites they have caused. The breed includes American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and Bull Terriers.
Doberman Pinschers For some time these dogs were used as guard and police dogs which they are most known for. They are alert and loyal dogs and were usually bred to be aggressive and territorial when they were used as guard dogs.
German Shepherds Also known for their relation to law-enforcement, German Shepherds are large dogs that weigh up to 88 pounds and can stand 2 feet tall. Shepherds are active dogs that are also known to be territorial, loyal, and protective of their family if not socialized at an early age.
Rottweiler Known as a strong breed, rottweilers are often used as guard dogs and originally were used to heard livestock in the country. Between 1978 and 1998 rottweilers were the cause of nearly 40 deaths in the United States.>
Chow Chows Although these dogs look to have a sweet demeanor they are fiercely protective of their owners and accounted for 8 deaths in the United States between 1978 and 1998. Chows also have a strong hunting instinct which is part of the reason some insurers consider them high risk
Akitas Akitas are large powerful dogs that can weigh up to 145 pounds which could quickly overpower a small child or elder person. The dogs can be protective in nature and tend to be socially dominant over smaller breeds.
Siberian Huskies With a wolf-like appearance, huskies are considered great guard dogs. They are considered intelligent dogs however they require extensive and consistent training. They are also known to try to escape if kept fenced in or within closed doors.

Although none have passed, legislation has been brought forward in an effort to get pitbulls banned from certain cities in counties. In San Francisco though, all pitbull owners must have their dogs spayed or neutered.

For more information about your legal rights after a do attack, consult the DOG BITE FAQ page.

Dog Bite Prevention

Dog Bites Lawyers in SacramentoIt’s important to note that with proper training, many dog bites can be prevented. These classes are held all over the United States and teach both owners and their dogs some basic commands (“sit”, “down”, “heel”) and for more intelligent breeds those commands are expanded upon.

However, unfortunately not all dog owners are responsible enough to take their dogs to these classes.

With this in mind, it’s worth knowing some tips that an individual can use to help them deal with an aggressive dog.

Some steps to take in order to prevent a dog bite from happening include:

  • Do not approach an unknown dog.
  • If approached, do not scream or run away from the dog if they are hunters in nature the animal could chase after you.
  • Avoid making eye contact with an unknown dog, they can take it as a challenge and/or threat.
  • If a dog approaches you remain still and calm
  • If a dog does attempt to attack you or knocks you over, fall to the floor and curl into a ball covering your ears.

If you are bitten by a dog, whether it is one you know or do not know, immediately seek medical attention and alert the authorities. If you see a stray or unknown dog in your neighborhood it is also important to alert the authorities.

Contact our Sacramento Dog Bite Attorneys Today

Sacramento Dog Bites LawyersHave you or someone you love been bitten by a dog? At the Arnold Law Firm we understand how devastating it can be to suffer a dog bite which is why we believe that those who caused your injury should be held responsible for their actions.

For more than 35 years we have opened our doors to those who have suffered personal injuries due to another individuals negligence. We can provide comprehensive legal counsel on your specific case and will help you fight for the MAXIMUM amount of compensation you deserve.

Our main office is located in Sacramento, California and we are pleased to serve injury victims and their families throughout Sacramento County.

Contact us today at (916) 777-7777 to schedule your first no-cost, no-obligation case consultation with one of our experienced Sacramento dog bite lawyers.